centos 5 point to point tunneling PPTP VPN
Pernah terpikir buat ngeremote pc di kantor(dengan private ip) dari rumah dengan koneksi isp yg kita pakai? salah satunya dengapn cara tunneling/vpn. kali yg jadi korban kita distro centos 5 dengan kernel 2.6.18-92.1.13.el5. gimana cara installnya?
pertama install yum repository nya
# rpm -Uvh http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/yum/stable/fc6/pptp-release-current.noarch.rpm
lanjut dengan install pptpnya
# yum --enablerepo=pptp-stable install pptp
download dotnet 3.5 dengan speedy bandwidth flat kurang lebih 1 mbps
The Large Hadron Collider: End of the world, or God’s own particle?
Is an understatement. A giant circular tunnel, with several loops, stretches for 27km under the land between France and Switzerland. One of its experimental chambers is bigger than the nave of Westminster Abbey.
The name for one of the types of particle that make up an atom. These tiny bits of energy will be propelled by giant magnets around the tunnel circuit at almost the speed of light.
Is what they will do when they meet other hadrons being beamed in the opposite direction, at the same great speed. The resulting explosion will create 100,000 times more heat than the sun, apparently. Thankfully, it will only happen for a moment, in an area a billion times smaller than a speck of dust.
The Sound Of Silence
Hello darkness, my old friend,
Ive come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
speedy + abbatec adsl modem (bridge mode) + linksys WRT54GL (dialer PPPoE)
Pertama kali pakai speedy, nerima apa adanya setingan yg di buatin sama teknisinya(maklum bini yg jadi waspang waktu teknisinya nyeting hehehe). yg di utak atik paling cuma password modem sama password speedy nya. kebetulan punya wireless router merk linksys (WRT54GL) yg bisa PPPoE di port wan nya, jadi kepikiran buat utak atik ngubah settingan.
setingan aslinya di modem adsl nya seperti ini:
speedy quota 1G + winxp(laptop) + squid + bind9 + cache youtube (lanjutan)
Nerusin topik sebelumnya , setelah berhasil bikin proxy pakai squid di winxp, akan di coba nambahin local resolver dns pakai bind9(windows precompile binary).
step pertama, nginstall bind9 di winxp
download precompile bind9 untuk windows di sini:
- extrak di satu folder.
- didalam folder klik 2 kali BINDInstall
- muncul popup windows installer kecil, biarkan semua nya default, kecuali service account password,klik install
tunggu sampai selesai.
hasil instalasi nya nanti akan berada di sini C:\WINDOWS\system32\dns
- klik start -> run -> ketik cmd, cd ke C:\WINDOWS\system32\dns\etc\
– buat file dengan nama named.conf,isinya seperti ini:
speedy quota 1G + winxp(laptop) + squid
Baru langganan speedy ceritanya nih hehehe….
cuma yg based on quota sih, 1G saja
pertama kali speedy up / konek ke internet, sih gak kepikir quota 1 G cukup atau nggak.
setelah browsing kesana kemari,dan liat argo quota di portal nya speedy dan traffic monitor di laptop kok nyedotnya kenceng juga hahahaha.
yg terlintas di kepala pertama pakai proxy punya speedy, cuma setelah mikir2 kalo cache proxy nya ada di telkom juga pastinya traffic nya tetep counting juga alias argo tetep jalan.
akhirnya mutusin bikin proxy di laptop aja
VLANs on Linux
VLANs on Linux
An introduction to VLANs and VLAN trunking, how Linux interacts with VLANs and how you might use them in networks.
To begin, we must have a more formal definition of what a LAN is. LAN stands for local area network. Hubs and switches usually are thought of as participating in a single LAN. Normally, if you connect two computers to the same hub or switch, they are on the same LAN. Likewise, if you connect two switches together, they are both on the same LAN.
A LAN includes all systems in the broadcast domain. That is, all of the systems on a single LAN receive a broadcast sent by any member of that LAN. By this definition, a LAN is bordered by routers or other devices that operate at OSI Layer 3.
Now that we’ve defined a LAN, what is a VLAN? VLAN stands for virtual LAN. A single VLAN-capable switch is able to participate in multiple LANs at once.
This functionality alone has a variety of uses, but VLANs become far more interesting when combined with trunking. A trunk is a single physical connection that can carry multiple VLANs. Each frame that crosses the trunk has a VLAN identifier attached to it, so it can be identified and kept within the correct VLAN.
Trunks can be used between two switches, between a switch and a router or between a switch and a computer that supports trunking. When connecting to a router or computer, each VLAN appears as a separate virtual interface.
chillispot FAQ
My name is Jens Jakobsen, and I am the current maintainer of ChilliSpot. I also wrote the original code, but many people have contributed with features and bug fixes. You can contact me by email at jj@chillispot.org.
Stefan Lengacher lemy@chillispot.org maintains the ChilliSpot forum at www.chillispot.info/chilliforum.