speedy quota 1G + winxp(laptop) + squid + bind9 + cache youtube (lanjutan)

YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005. The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video and HTML5[4] technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, BBC, Vevo, Hulu and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program

Nerusin topik sebelumnya , setelah berhasil bikin proxy pakai squid di winxp, akan di coba nambahin local resolver dns pakai bind9(windows precompile binary).

step pertama, nginstall bind9 di winxp
download precompile bind9 untuk windows di sini:


  • extrak di satu folder.
  • didalam folder klik 2 kali BINDInstall
  • muncul popup windows installer kecil, biarkan semua nya default, kecuali service account password,klik install

tunggu sampai selesai.

hasil instalasi nya nanti akan berada di sini C:\WINDOWS\system32\dns

  • klik start -> run -> ketik cmd, cd ke C:\WINDOWS\system32\dns\etc\

– buat file dengan nama named.conf,isinya seperti ini:

speedy quota 1G + winxp(laptop) + squid

Baru langganan speedy ceritanya nih hehehe….

cuma yg based on quota sih, 1G saja

pertama kali speedy  up / konek ke internet, sih gak kepikir  quota 1 G cukup atau nggak.

setelah browsing kesana kemari,dan liat argo quota di portal nya speedy dan traffic monitor di laptop kok nyedotnya kenceng juga hahahaha. 

yg terlintas di kepala pertama pakai proxy punya speedy, cuma setelah mikir2 kalo cache proxy nya ada di telkom juga pastinya traffic nya tetep counting juga alias argo tetep jalan.

akhirnya mutusin bikin proxy di laptop aja