Sambil nunggu selesainya pentransferan domain dari registrar lama ke registrar yg baru. mari kita liat2 total score yg sudah diperoleh.
registrar yg lama nggak support ipv6 glue record, dan parahnya di pegang temen ada di hawaii(tau masih di sana atau udah pulang ke indo) dan orangnya super sibuk.
kalo mau modified atau nambah nameserver untuk keperluan test2 ceritification jadi agak2 sungkan takut nganggu ke sibukannya, akhirnya di putuskan register sendiri account di salah satu registrar. dan minta domainnya di transfer sekalian.pentransferan masih dalam proses. kalo udah kelar niat nya mau bikin AAAA record/pointer di
supaya bisa di query secara native sama resolver yg pakai ipv6.untuk keperluan "Sage cetification test".
berikut score sementara (masih yakin pasti masih bisa nambah 😀 )
Username: leenoux | Current Score: 815 |

This is a basic level test of the information here. With this primer at hand these questions should be a snap for you.

This test validates that you have an IPv6 capable machine setup that can browse the web via IPv6, as well as the fact that you have a web server setup that can serve files via IPv6.

This test validates that your SMTP server is able to accept mail over IPv6

This test validates that Reverse DNS for the IPv6 address of your SMTP server is properly configured.

This test validates that your nameservers have AAAA records for themselves and that these nameservers can be queried over IPv6 for your domain.

These are a few questions to gauge interest and usage level for IPv6 and gather data as to your experiences with IPv6 deployments.

These are a few questions to gauge interest and usage level for IPv6 and gather data as to your experiences with IPv6 deployments.

These are a few questions to gauge interest and usage level for IPv6 and gather data as to your experiences with IPv6 deployments.

These are a few questions to try to gauge interest and usage level for IPv6 and gather data as to your experiences with IPv6 deployments.

This test covers technical knowledge of ping and traceroute commands on Linux and Windows.

This test covers technical knowledge of DNS and general IPv6 topics.

This test covers technical knowledge of well known IPv6 prefixes and expands on your understanding of IPv6 related Linux and Windows commands.

This test covers technical knowledge of IPv6 routing and IPv6 related protocols.

This test validates that you have Native or Tunneled IPv6.

This is a daily submission for extra points that verifies a working and complete IPv6 traceroute.

This is a daily submission for extra points that verifies working forward (AAAA) IPv6 DNS records.

This is a daily submission for extra points that verifies a proper IPv6 address WHOIS query.

This is a daily submission for extra points that verifies working reverse (PTR) IPv6 DNS records.

This is a daily submission for extra points that verifies a working ping6 query and result.
lumayan lah…
kalo ada waktu nanti mau bikin tutorial cara setup tunneling ipv6 via aka