Here is the case:
I have already wordpress/blog installation running on httpd with ipv4.(with no ipv6 enabled).
I want everyone with native ipv6 be able accesing my blog.
I have one server already connected to ipv6 via tunnel brokers on different region.
It’s also have httpd listen on both ipv4/ipv6.
So here’s what i have done.
* I made a backup of wordpress installation on original server.
$ tar cjf wordpress.tar.bz2 wordpress
* Copy and extract wordpress backup to ipv6 enabled
server.(in my case it's extracted on /var/www/html/)
$ tar xjf wordpress.tar.bz2
* Edit wp-config.php
since wordpress using database on original server. I have to create one user, that can access the database from network.(i’m not going to explain how to do it, it’s not beyond this article scope).
define('DB_NAME', 'database'); define('DB_USER', 'user'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); define('DB_HOST', 'ip of original machine'); define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); define('DB_COLLATE', '');
* Create virtualhost on httpd, same as original server.
ServerName www.domain.tld ServerAlias domain.tld UseCanonicalName Off ServerAdmin "email@domain.tld" DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/wordpress/" CustomLog /var/log/httpd/www.domain.tld-access_log common ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/www.domain.tld-error_log RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^(TRACE|TRACK|OPTIONS) RewriteRule .* - [F]
* Make sure your httpd/apache compiled with ipv6 enabled
$ httpd -V Server version: Apache/2.0.52 Server built: Nov 15 2008 03:52:33 Server's Module Magic Number: 20020903:9 Architecture: 32-bit Server compiled with.... -D APACHE_MPM_DIR="server/mpm/prefork" -D APR_HAS_SENDFILE -D APR_HAS_MMAP -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled) -D APR_USE_SYSVSEM_SERIALIZE -D APR_USE_PTHREAD_SERIALIZE -D SINGLE_LISTEN_UNSERIALIZED_ACCEPT -D APR_HAS_OTHER_CHILD -D AP_HAVE_RELIABLE_PIPED_LOGS -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SUEXEC_BIN="/usr/sbin/suexec" -D DEFAULT_PIDLOG="logs/" -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD="logs/apache_runtime_status" -D DEFAULT_LOCKFILE="logs/accept.lock" -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error_log" -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="conf/mime.types" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"
* restart httpd
# /etc/init.d/httpd restart
* done
Now your blog can be accessed via ipv4 either ipv6 🙂
backup is a must. apply bugfix patches from wordpress soon as possible.