Centos 5 Compile Postfix With Tcp Table Support
I've seen someone asking for postfix TCP_TABLE support on centos at mailing list.Actually that was easy to achieved.I'm gonna explain how to build postfix rpm package with TCP_TABLE support.There's great tutorial on how to build postfix RPM package maintain by Simon J Mudd.
I'm gonna used Simon J mud's postfix source RPM package to build the binary.
First download the latest postfix SRPM package
$ rpm -Uvh postfix-2.6.5-1.src.rpm $ cd `rpm --eval '%{_sourcedir}'` $ export POSTFIX_SMTPD_MULTILINE_GREETING=1 $ export POSTFIX_LDAP=1 $ export POSTFIX_MYSQL_REDHAT=1 $ export POSTFIX_PCRE=1 $ export POSTFIX_PGSQL=1 $ export POSTFIX_RBL_MAPS=1 $ export POSTFIX_SASL=2 $ export POSTFIX_TLS=1 $ export POSTFIX_VDA=1 $ export POSTFIX_DB=4