Compile Postfix 2.7.0 from simon j. mudd git repository

First, we need to clone Simon J. Mudd postfix repository at github

$ git clone git://

Switch to (also create local) POSTFIX_2_7 branch

$ cd postfix-rpm
$ git checkout --track -b POSTFIX_2_7 origin/POSTFIX_2_7

Copy postfix-rpm, which contain POSTFIX_2_7 branch

$ cd ..
$ cp -rp postfix-rpm postfix-2.7

Create .rpmmacros on your homedir if you don’t have one

$ make setup

postfix 2.8-20100213 postscreen

I've been experimenting with postfix 2.8-20100213 "postscreen" feature on my development server.this feature is very usefull for detecting/dropping misbehavior smtp client. Configuration : [text] postscreen_greet_action = drop postscreen_dnsbl_sites =, postscreen_hangup_action = drop postscreen_dnsbl_action = drop [/text] [text] smtp inet n - n - 1 postscreen smtpd…


I’ve Built SRPM package for postfix 2.8.0 on my spare time today, based on Simon J. Mudd’s template of course :) The Hardest parts was testing and applies the right patches, but it seems okay when it compiled Here’s the srpm file: This how to rebuild the source : [bash]…

Compiling Postfix-2.7.0 As RPM Package

I used to have Simon J. Mudd when building postfix rpm package, but seems he’s not releasing official postfix 2.7.0 yet, here’s a way for impatient one

First make RedHat Linux the standard directory structure in our homedir

$ mkdir rpmbuild
$ mkdir -p rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS,tmp}

Create .rpmmacros file

$ vi .rpmmacros
%_topdir                %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild
%_tmppath               %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild/tmp

Create tempoerary working directory for postfix

$ mkdir postfix
$ cd postfix

Counting Directory Size Recursively Using C Part 2

Even there’s an easier way calculating directory size ftw syscall/API

ftw, nftw - file tree walk

ftw() walks through the directory tree that is located under the directory dirpath, and calls fn() once for each entry in the tree.
By default, directories are handled before the files and subdirectories they contain (pre-order traversal).

POSIX.1-2001, SVr4, SUSv1.

example code size.c

Counting Directory Size Recursively Using C

I’ve just found this great articles at Jim Plank website. I know, it was lots easier using linux du command

Without any further nonsense talk, here we go. First we need download some source code at Jim Plank website

# mkdir prsize
# cd prsize
# wget
# wget
# wget
# wget
# wget
# wget
# wget

prsize8.c is the main program, while dllist.c/h jrb.c/h jval.c/h is library that prsize8 statically linked in.

Now we need to create some static library.(Original website doesn’t explain how to create the libs)

# gcc -c dllist.c -o dllist.o
# gcc -c jrb.c -o jrb.o
# gcc -c jval.c -o jval.o

# ar rcs libdllist.a dllist.o
# ar rcs libjrb.a jrb.o
# ar rcs libjval.a jval.o

Maildroprc Automatically Delete quotawarn File in Maildir

This is the Ugly workaround

Postfix setting

maildrop  unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=ODRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/bin/maildrop -w 90 -d ${recipient} ${user} ${domain}

With this setting maildrop wil warn user if their Maildir reach 90% of quota and send warning to user

The problem is, even if user emptying their maildir, users wil always get warning because quotawarn is still in Maildir

[vchkpw] quotawarn question


QUOTA=`echo "$MAILDIRQUOTA" | cut -f 1 -d S`
USAGE=`du -sb "$MAILHOME/$DOMAIN/$USER/" | awk '{print $1}'`
PERCENT=`echo "$QUOTA * 90/100" | bc`

if ( "$USAGE" < "$PERCENT" )
        `/bin/rm -f "$MAILHOME/$DOMAIN/$USER/quotawarn"`

Postfix Bind Sender Domain To Dedicated Outgoing IP Address

Recently there have been requests for sending mail with source IP addresses that depend on the envelope sender, it’s very usefull to protect IP-based domain reputations of different customers.

New Feature in postfix postfix-2.7-20091209 is sender_dependent_default_transport_maps

sender_dependent_default_transport_maps (default: empty)

    A sender-dependent override for the global default_transport parameter setting.
    The tables are searched by the envelope sender address and @domain.
    A lookup result of DUNNO terminates the search without overriding the global default_transport parameter setting.
    This information is overruled with the transport(5) table.

    Note: this overrides default_transport, not transport_maps, and therefore the expected syntax is that of default_transport.
          This feature does not support the transport_maps syntax for null transport, null nexthop, or null email addresses.

    For safety reasons, this feature does not allow $number substitutions in regular expression maps.

    This feature is available in Postfix 2.7 and later.

Create file called sdd_transport_maps.regexp:

/@customer1-dom\.tld$/		customer1:
/@customer2-dom\.tld$/		customer2:
/@customer3-dom\.tld$/		customer3:
..... next .....