postfix-2.9-20110130 multiline greeting patch

Original Author: Simon J. Mudd
postfix-2.9-20110130-multiline-greeting (18 downloads )

diff -C1 -r postfix-2.9-20110130/src/smtpd/smtpd.c postfix-2.9-20110130.patched/src/smtpd/smtpd.c
*** postfix-2.9-20110130/src/smtpd/smtpd.c      Wed Jan 26 01:30:14 2011
--- postfix-2.9-20110130.patched/src/smtpd/smtpd.c      Mon Jan 31 13:35:51 2011
*** 4529,4531 ****
            } else {
!               smtpd_chat_reply(state, "220 %s", var_smtpd_banner);
--- 4529,4531 ----
            } else {
!               smtpd_chat_reply_multiline(state, 220, var_smtpd_banner);
diff -C1 -r postfix-2.9-20110130/src/smtpd/smtpd_chat.c postfix-2.9-20110130.patched/src/smtpd/smtpd_chat.c
*** postfix-2.9-20110130/src/smtpd/smtpd_chat.c Tue Jan 25 21:53:32 2011
--- postfix-2.9-20110130.patched/src/smtpd/smtpd_chat.c Mon Jan 31 13:35:51 2011
*** 64,65 ****
--- 64,66 ----
  #include <stdarg.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>

*** 217,218 ****
--- 218,274 ----
        state->flags |= SMTPD_FLAG_HANGUP;
+ }
+ /* trim_line - remove trailing whitespace and return a pointer to the first */
+ /* non-space char in the string.  Based on TRIM() in ../util/dict.c         */
+ /* WARNING: this function is DESTRUCTIVE.                                   */
+ static char *trim_line( char *line ) {
+     char *p;
+     for (p=line + strlen(line); p > line && ISSPACE(p[-1]); p--);
+        *p = 0;
+     while ( ISSPACE(*line) )
+        ++line;
+     return ( line );
+ }
+ /* smtpd_chat_reply_multiline - convert multline string into seperate */
+ /* lines, sending each one to smtpd_chat_reply()                      */
+ #define LINE_SEPARATOR "\n"
+ void smtpd_chat_reply_multiline(SMTPD_STATE *state, int smtp_reply_code, char *format,...)
+ {
+     va_list ap;
+     char    *line, *line2;     /* one line (of the multiline) reply */
+     size_t   size;             /* size of a single line             */
+     static VSTRING *temp_line; /* SMTP reply before unescapeing     */
+     static VSTRING *multiline; /* SMTP reply after unescaping       */
+     /* First-time intialization. */
+     if (!temp_line)
+        temp_line = vstring_alloc(512);
+     if (!multiline)
+        multiline = vstring_alloc(512);
+     va_start(ap, format);
+     vstring_vsprintf(temp_line, format, ap);
+     va_end(ap);
+     /* unescape lines with "\\n", converting them to "\n" */
+     unescape( multiline, STR(temp_line) );
+     line = STR(multiline);
+     while ( (size = strcspn(line, LINE_SEPARATOR)) < strlen(line) ) {
+        *(line + size) = 0;
+        line2 = trim_line(line);
+        smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%03d-%s", smtp_reply_code, line2);
+        line += size + 1;
+     }
+     line2 = trim_line(line);
+     smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%03d %s", smtp_reply_code, line2);
diff -C1 -r postfix-2.9-20110130/src/smtpd/smtpd_chat.h postfix-2.9-20110130.patched/src/smtpd/smtpd_chat.h
*** postfix-2.9-20110130/src/smtpd/smtpd_chat.h Tue Apr 25 01:48:28 2006
--- postfix-2.9-20110130.patched/src/smtpd/smtpd_chat.h Mon Jan 31 13:35:51 2011
*** 17,18 ****
--- 17,19 ----
  extern void PRINTFLIKE(2, 3) smtpd_chat_reply(SMTPD_STATE *, const char *, ...);
+ extern void smtpd_chat_reply_multiline(SMTPD_STATE *, int, char *, ...);
  extern void smtpd_chat_notify(SMTPD_STATE *);


  1. i try to use the multi line greeting patch provided to simon j mudd without succes

    it is possible to use your patch with standard distribution postfix 2.8.2

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