How To Make A Propeller Clock

Once upon a time, lifes goes on as usual, boring. Until one day my friend showing me a weird clock on youtube. i said “wow, that was awesome!”, “how it works?”, “i should make one!”. Basically, i have experienced on electronic DIY stuffs. i started to figure out on how to make it, lots of information found. so basicaly, propeller clock based on POV (Persistence of vision)

The clock’s graph formed by cheating human eyes, one array of leds burst on constant interval/delay in one motor rotation, continuously (in this case  divided to 360 degree in one rotation, can be more for higher resolution).

After i’ve found, understand, (and yet still confused on how it works :P). i started making prototypes with existing MCU module (atmega8535), wired to array of 8 leds. it works, and not good!! it’s too heavy, no index reference, the text is very unstable. i need to design new board which is lighter and throw out all unnecessary components. there are two web site that i’m using as references, when building this clock.

i used the codes from there with lots of modification, original code is writen using ICCAVR, i converted it to AVR Studio.

i used his isolated power supply, to power up the propeller clock module.

For remote control, it was stolen from here: 😀


Isolated Power Supply / Wireless Power Transmission

the propeller clock works properly, only haven’t fix jitter yet when remote control is used ( i used SIRC/ sony IR remote control).



This is my first attempt designing propeller clock, i’ve been thinking using several shift register to drive more leds array.

Propeller Clock

Isolated Power Supply/ Wireless Power Transmission

Partlists Propeller Clock

Part     Value
C1       22pF
C2       22pF
C3       470uF
C4       470uF
C5       470uF
C6       470uF
C7       100nF
C8       10nF
C9       10uF
D1       1N4004
D2       1N4004
D3       1N4004
D4       1N4004
IC1      MEGA16-A
IC2      A1301UA
IC3      LM7805
JP1      AVR-ISP-10
LED1     RED
LED2     RED
LED3     RED
LED4     RED
LED5     RED
LED6     RED
LED7     RED
LED8     RED
LED9     RED
LED10    RED
LED11    RED
LED12    RED
LED13    RED
LED14    RED
LED15    RED
PAD1     P1
PAD2     P2
R1       1k
R2       330
R3       330
R4       330
R5       330
R6       330
R7       330
R8       330
R9       330
R10      330
R11      330
R12      330
R13      330
R14      330
R15      330
R16      330
R17      330
R18      100
S1       RESET
U$1      TSOP1838
X1       16MHz

most of all reststor, led, capacitor are smd1206


#include <avr/interrupt.h>
//#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define TRUE      0x01
#define FALSE     0x00
#define ANALOG    0x01
#define DIGITAL   0x02
#define WIDTH 9

const unsigned char table[12][6] = 	{{ 0x3e, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x3e, 0x00 }, // 0
                                    { 0x00, 0x21, 0x7f, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00  }, // 1
                                    { 0x21, 0x43, 0x45, 0x49, 0x31, 0x00  }, // 2
                           	  		{ 0x42, 0x41, 0x51, 0x69, 0x46, 0x00  }, // 3
                                    { 0x0c, 0x14, 0x24, 0x5f, 0x04, 0x00  }, // 4
                                    { 0x72, 0x51, 0x51, 0x51, 0x4e, 0x00  }, // 5
                                    { 0x1e, 0x29, 0x49, 0x49, 0x06, 0x00  }, // 6
                                    { 0x40, 0x47, 0x48, 0x50, 0x60, 0x00  }, // 7
                                    { 0x36, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x36, 0x00  }, // 8
                                    { 0x30, 0x49, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x3c, 0x00  }, // 9
                                    { 0x00, 0x36, 0x36, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00  }, // :
                                    { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00  }};// space

volatile int WeelPosition;
volatile unsigned char Pos;
volatile unsigned int Adder;

volatile unsigned char LatchedIrData;
volatile unsigned int Rps, CountRps;

volatile unsigned char Sec;
volatile unsigned char Min;
volatile unsigned char Hrs;

volatile int SecComp;
volatile int MinComp;
volatile int HrsComp;

volatile unsigned char ClockStyle;

unsigned int TimeString[50];
unsigned int *TimeStringPtr;

void One(void);
void Two(void);
void Three(void);
void Six(void);
void Nine(void);
void Hari(void);

unsigned char i;

void Time(unsigned char);
void Display(void);
void CopyData(int Value);
void CopyDot(void);
unsigned int read_IR (void);

int main(void)

	//WDTCR |= ((1 << WDE) | (1 << WDP2) | (1 << WDP1));	// Enable WatchDog at 1.0 sec
	MCUCR |= ((1<<ISC11)|(1<<ISC01));	// Int0 Int1 generate int on falling eadge
	GICR |= ((1 << INT0) | (1 << INT1));	// Int0 and Int1 enable
	TCCR0 |= ((1 << CS02) | (1 << CS00));	// Timer0 / 1024
	//TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10) | (1 << WGM12));	// Timer1 prescaling 8 CTC
	//TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10) | (1 << ICES1) | (1 << WGM12));	// Timer1 no prescaling
	TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10) | (1 << WGM12));	// Timer1 no prescaling
	TCCR2 |= ((1 << CS22)|(1 << CS21) | (1 << CS20));
	//TIMSK |= ((1 << OCIE1A) | (1 << TICIE1) | (1 << TOIE0));
	TIMSK |= ((1 << OCIE1A) | (1 << TOIE0));

    DDRA  = 0xFF;
    PORTA = 0x00;

    DDRC = 0xFF;
    PORTC = 0x01;

    DDRD = 0x00;
    PORTD = 0x0C;

	Hrs = 2;
	Min = 40;
	Sec = 10;
	ClockStyle = ANALOG;


		//for (i=0;i<200;i++);
		//if (LatchedIrData == 16) Time(TRUE);
		//if (LatchedIrData == 18) ClockStyle = DIGITAL;
		//if (LatchedIrData == 19) ClockStyle = ANALOG;

   		//LatchedIrData = 0;

void Time(unsigned char Fast)
	if (Fast == FALSE)
	//else Sec += 60;
		Min += 1;
		if (Min > 59)
			Min = 0;
			if (Hrs > 11)
				Hrs = 0;

	if (Sec > 59)
		Sec = 0;
		if (Min > 59)
			Min = 0;
			if (Hrs > 11)
				Hrs = 0;

	if (ClockStyle == ANALOG)
		SecComp = Sec*6;
		MinComp = Min*6;
		HrsComp = (Hrs*30)+(Min/2);
		TimeStringPtr = &TimeString[0];

void CopyData(int Value)
	if (Value < 10)
		for (i=0;i<6;i++) *TimeStringPtr++ = table[0][i];
   		for (i=0;i<6;i++) *TimeStringPtr++ = table[Value][i];
		for (i=0;i<6;i++) *TimeStringPtr++ = table[Value/10][i];
   		for (i=0;i<6;i++) *TimeStringPtr++ = table[Value-((Value/10)*10)][i];

void CopyDot(void)
	for (i=0;i<6;i++) *TimeStringPtr++ = table[10][i];

	unsigned int LastWeel;

	LastWeel = WeelPosition;	// get lasst wheel position either less/more than 360
	WeelPosition = 0;	// reset wheel count

	// this will make degree lock to 360
	if (LastWeel > 360)
		Adder += 1;
	else if (LastWeel < 360)
		Adder -= 1;


	OCR1A = 1852 + Adder;	// set TIMER1 compare value + offset (+/-)
	TIFR = (1 << OCF1A);	// reset TIMER1

	OCR1A = 1852 + Adder;

void Display(void)
	unsigned char Min_Portc[5] = {0xF8, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0xF8};
	unsigned char Min_Porta[5] = {0X00, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x00};

	unsigned char Hrs_Portc[5] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00};
	unsigned char Hrs_Porta[5] = {0x70, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x70};

	unsigned char port_c;
	//unsigned char port_a;
	PORTC = 0x00;
	PORTA = 0x00;

	if (ClockStyle == ANALOG)
		// BEGIN HOUR on 12
		if ((WeelPosition == HrsComp) && (WeelPosition == 0))
			PORTC |= Hrs_Portc[2];
			PORTA |= Hrs_Porta[2];
		if (((WeelPosition - 1) == HrsComp) && (WeelPosition == 1))
			PORTC |= Min_Portc[3];
			PORTA |= Min_Porta[3];
		if (((WeelPosition - 2) == HrsComp) && (WeelPosition == 2))
			PORTC |= Hrs_Portc[4];
			PORTA |= Hrs_Porta[4];
		if (((WeelPosition - 358) == HrsComp) && (WeelPosition == 358))
			PORTC |= Hrs_Portc[0];
			PORTA |= Hrs_Porta[0];
		if (((WeelPosition - 359) == HrsComp) && (WeelPosition == 359))
			PORTC |= Hrs_Portc[1];
			PORTA |= Hrs_Porta[1];
		// END HOUR on 12

		if (((WeelPosition + 2) == HrsComp) && (WeelPosition > 2) && (WeelPosition < 358))
			PORTC |= Hrs_Portc[0];
			PORTA |= Hrs_Porta[0];
		if (((WeelPosition + 1) == HrsComp) && (WeelPosition > 2) && (WeelPosition < 358))
			PORTC |= Hrs_Portc[1];
			PORTA |= Hrs_Porta[1];
		if ((WeelPosition == HrsComp) && (WeelPosition > 2) && (WeelPosition < 358))
			PORTC |= Hrs_Portc[2];
			PORTA |= Hrs_Porta[2];
		if (((WeelPosition - 1) == HrsComp) && (WeelPosition > 2) && (WeelPosition < 358))
			PORTC |= Hrs_Portc[3];
			PORTA |= Hrs_Porta[3];
		if (((WeelPosition - 2) == HrsComp) && (WeelPosition > 2) && (WeelPosition < 358))
			PORTC |= Hrs_Portc[4];
			PORTA |= Hrs_Porta[4];

		// BEGIN MINUTE on 12
		if ((WeelPosition == MinComp) && (WeelPosition == 0))
			PORTC |= Min_Portc[2];
			PORTA |= Min_Porta[2];
		if (((WeelPosition - 1) == MinComp) && (WeelPosition == 1))
			PORTC |= Min_Portc[3];
			PORTA |= Min_Porta[3];
		if (((WeelPosition - 2) == MinComp) && (WeelPosition == 2))
			PORTC |= Min_Portc[4];
			PORTA |= Min_Porta[4];
		if (((WeelPosition - 358) == MinComp) && (WeelPosition == 358))
			PORTC |= Min_Portc[0];
			PORTA |= Min_Porta[0];
		if (((WeelPosition - 359) == MinComp) && (WeelPosition == 359))
			PORTC |= Min_Portc[1];
			PORTA |= Min_Porta[1];
		// END MINUTE on 12

		if (((WeelPosition + 2) == MinComp) && (WeelPosition > 2) && (WeelPosition < 358))
			PORTC |= Min_Portc[0];
			PORTA |= Min_Porta[0];
		if (((WeelPosition + 1) == MinComp) && (WeelPosition > 2) && (WeelPosition < 358))
			PORTC |= Min_Portc[1];
			PORTA |= Min_Porta[1];
		if ((WeelPosition == MinComp) && (WeelPosition > 2) && (WeelPosition < 358))
			PORTC |= Min_Portc[2];
			PORTA |= Min_Porta[2];
		if (((WeelPosition - 1) == MinComp) && (WeelPosition > 2) && (WeelPosition < 358))
			PORTC |= Min_Portc[3];
			PORTA |= Min_Porta[3];
		if (((WeelPosition - 2) == MinComp) && (WeelPosition > 2) && (WeelPosition < 358))
			PORTC |= Min_Portc[4];
			PORTA |= Min_Porta[4];

		// second in circle bar mode
		if (WeelPosition == SecComp)
			//PORTC |= 0x02;
			//PORTA |= 0x00;
			PORTC |= 0xFE;
			PORTA |= 0xFF;

		// dot every 5 minutes
		if ((WeelPosition == 0) ||
			(WeelPosition == 30) ||
			(WeelPosition == 60) ||
			(WeelPosition == 90) ||
			(WeelPosition == 120) ||
			(WeelPosition == 150) ||
			(WeelPosition == 180) ||
			(WeelPosition == 210) ||
			(WeelPosition == 240) ||
			(WeelPosition == 270) ||
			(WeelPosition == 300) ||
			(WeelPosition == 330))
			PORTC |= 0x02;
			PORTA |= 0x00;

		if (((WeelPosition % 6) == 0) && (WeelPosition < 360)) PORTC |= 0x01;

		if (((WeelPosition % 6) == 0) && (WeelPosition < 360)) PORTC |= 0x01;

		Pos = ((WeelPosition-100) / 3);
		if (Pos < 49)
			// shifted by 1 to MSB , we have different wiring
			port_c = (TimeString[48-Pos] << 1);
			PORTC |= port_c;

	static unsigned char Tick;
	if (Tick > 62)
		Tick = 0;
		Rps = CountRps;
	TCNT0 = 0x04; // reload counter

	unsigned char count; //, code, address;
	unsigned int IR_input;

	PORTC = 0x00;
	PORTA = 0x00;

	TCNT2 = 0;
	while(!(PIND & 0x08));
	count = TCNT2;

	if(count < 30) 		  //to verify start pulse (2.4 ms long)

	//PORTC |= 0x20;

	IR_input = read_IR ();

	//code = (unsigned char) ((IR_input & 0xff00) >> 8);
	//address = (unsigned char) (IR_input & 0x00ff);

	//motorControl ( code, address );
	LatchedIrData = (unsigned char) ((IR_input & 0xFF00) >> 8);
	if (LatchedIrData > 0)
		if ((LatchedIrData & 0xFF) == 0x10) Time(TRUE);
		if ((LatchedIrData & 0xFF) == 0x12) ClockStyle = DIGITAL;
		if ((LatchedIrData & 0xFF) == 0x13) ClockStyle = ANALOG;
		LatchedIrData = 0;

	//PORTC &= ~0x20;

unsigned int read_IR (void)
    unsigned char pulseCount=0,  code = 0, address = 0, timerCount;
	unsigned int IR_input;

	while(pulseCount < 7)
	   while(PIND & 0x08);
	   TCNT2 = 0;

	   while(!(PIND & 0x08));

	   timerCount = TCNT2;

	   if(timerCount > 14)
	      code = code | (1 << (pulseCount-1));
	 	  code = code & ~(1 << (pulseCount-1));

	 pulseCount = 0;
	 while(pulseCount < 5)
	   while(PIND & 0x08);
	   TCNT2 = 0;

	   while(!(PIND & 0x08));

	   timerCount = TCNT2;

	   if(timerCount > 14)
	      address = address | (1 << (pulseCount-1));
	 	  address = address & ~(1 << (pulseCount-1));

	 IR_input = (((unsigned int)code) << 8) | address;


void One(void)
	unsigned char Two_Portc[3] = {0x10, 0xF8, 0x00};
	unsigned char Two_Porta[3] = {0x40, 0xC0, 0x40};

	if ((WeelPosition >= 357) && (WeelPosition <= 359))
		PORTC |= Two_Portc[WeelPosition-357];
		PORTA |= Two_Porta[WeelPosition-357];

void Two(void)
	unsigned char Two_Portc[5] = {0x10, 0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0x30};
	unsigned char Two_Porta[5] = {0x40, 0xC0, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40};

	if ((WeelPosition >= 2) && (WeelPosition <= 6))
		PORTC |= Two_Portc[WeelPosition-2];
		PORTA |= Two_Porta[WeelPosition-2];

void Three(void)
	unsigned char Two_Portc[7] = {0xF8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x88, 0x70};

	if ((WeelPosition >= 88) && (WeelPosition <= 94))
		PORTC |= Two_Portc[WeelPosition-88];

void Six(void)
	unsigned char Two_Portc[5] = {0x30, 0x48, 0x48, 0x48, 0xF0};
	unsigned char Two_Porta[5] = {0x00, 0x40, 0x40, 0x80, 0x00};

	if ((WeelPosition >= 178) && (WeelPosition <= 182))
		PORTC |= Two_Portc[WeelPosition-178];
		PORTA |= Two_Porta[WeelPosition-178];

void Nine(void)
	unsigned char Two_Portc[7] = {0x30, 0x40, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x88, 0x88, 0x70};
	if ((WeelPosition >= 267) && (WeelPosition <= 273))

		PORTC |= Two_Portc[WeelPosition-267];

void Hari(void)
	unsigned char P_Porta[65] = { 	0x3E, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
									0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x3E, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
									0x34, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
									0x3C, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
									0x3E, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

	if ((WeelPosition >= 148) && (WeelPosition <= 211))
		PORTA |= P_Porta[WeelPosition-148];


  1. Hilario Maraver

    good day, I like your project, just not yet quite understand you see an image that still have March 1 plate, this function is that the feeding of the main board where the LEDs are as voltage is fed into the remote that works to change the clock mode, even I have several questions, I would like to replicate your project but I hope I can resolve these questions at the moment, has the engine as it feeds that I fail to see, that RPM should be.

    greetings ..

    • ok, still don’t understand your actual question. do you mean you have problem with power supply feed to the rotating board?

  2. Hilario Maraver

    1.- yes. how power the rotating board of 5V?

    2.- I have the HardDisk engine but that RMP should be, and how control this (RPM)

    3.- For remote control what about for this.? how to change the hour, ? or how function this?

    4.- and this. what is it?
    U$1 TSOP1838
    X1 16MHz

    5.- and JP1 AVR-ISP-10. what is the function for this?

    • 1. the board is powered using air core transformer. i’ve posted schematic diagram.
      2. i’ve never use harddisk motor. but as far as i know they’re (spindle) using three phase motor. you would need to provide each phase a voltage pulse in sequence to create rotation.
      3. modify the code so you can increase hour when specific remote’s button pressed. it’s in “Time” function. void Time(unsigned char Fast)
      4. it’s IR remote receiver. and x-tal for ticking (clock source) the atmega.
      5. that’s data cable for uploading binary compiled code from your computer to atmega chipset (proppeler clock).

  3. Hilario Maraver

    1.- ok is the “Isolated Power Supply/ Wireless Power Transmission” and this what power 5V or 12V?

    2.- then, Can I to use the fan desktop? and what about RPM?

    3.- waht type remote do you use for remote control? or I need to build this

    5.- Ok this is for programing or upload the code for the chipset


    • 1. yes
      2. i used cooling fan that’s the easiest part i can find. as far as i know i’m using 25 rotation per second motor.
      3. i’m using sony IR Remote protocol.
      4. yes, i’m using avr studio for coding and compiling. for uploading you can use any software/downloader as you like.

  4. Hilario Maraver

    1. how power use the (12v?, 5v?) “Isolated Power Supply/ Wireless Power Transmission” and Partlists for this?

    2. ok
    3. ok
    4. ok

    5. what happen with the time, when the clock turn off?.

    6. and when the clock turn on, there that programing?

    7. if this happens, is possible to add some batery for save the time.

    • 1. i’m using 5 volt for supplying the board, part lists are on the schematic diagram.
      original schematic from here:
      2. –
      3. –
      4. –
      5. when turn of clock back to preset value, not current time. but you can easily set it up using remote control, or you can modify schematic and add RTC with backup battery.
      6. when clock turn on, it will display preset time

          Hrs = 2;
          Min = 40;
          Sec = 10;

      7. already answered in point 5


  5. Hilario Maraver

    1.- ok
    5.- Ok I will try
    6.- ok
    7.- ok

    Ok thanks, if I have any questions I ask

  6. Convert to IC msp430 of code here.Help Me,thank

    unsigned int LastWeel;

    LastWeel = WeelPosition; // get lasst wheel position either less/more than 360
    WeelPosition = 0; // reset wheel count

    // this will make degree lock to 360
    if (LastWeel > 360)
    Adder += 1;
    else if (LastWeel < 360)
    Adder -= 1;


    OCR1A = 1852 + Adder; // set TIMER1 compare value + offset (+/-)
    TIFR = (1 << OCF1A); // reset TIMER1

    OCR1A = 1852 + Adder;

    • i’ve never used msp430, but basically it’s just setting OCR1A with fixed value added by effset (Adder) when motor spinning get drifted.

  7. algorithms display any character in the desired location. can you help me! ex : display number 9 at position 9h. thank you!

    • it’s in

      void Display(void)

      function, as i remember that was done by dividing elapse time in one rotation to 360 degree. that started when hall effect sensor reach magnet. that’s our zero degree reference (WeelPosition variable).


      you should measure your motor speed, so you can figure out value that should you set in OCR1A (aproximately).
      Adder was just like fine tuning when motor drift below or higher than 360 degree.

      so when you want to put 3 o’clock for example you should lit the array of led when they reach position at 45 degree.
      examine these code section

      void Display(void)

      it’s all there.


  8. Giovanni

    how many coils are there in the power trasmitter?
    and how much big are they?

  9. Agam

    is a1301ua bipolar or unipolar????
    any replacement for a1301ua??

    • it’s bipolar if i recall correctly, you can use both north or south side of your’s a long long time project

  10. Agam

    What type of magnet is required for Hall Effect Sensor ??

  11. Agam

    Also can you help me with the IR Remote i.e. what type or which remote is to be used for you given receiver i.e. TSOP1838 ??

    • any remote control that operate at 38khz with sony infrared protocol will work just fine

  12. Nghia

    Could you help me?
    Is the Isolated Power Supply work! I’ve built it but it isn’t work. I use C2383/A1013 instead of BC547/BC557.
    100p = 101 ceramic capacitor
    100n = 2A104J Polyester Capacitor
    1uF/MKT = 105J/400V
    4n7 = 2A472J
    Is it OK?

  13. Nghia

    Thanks leenoux!
    I’d done the circuit on website you suggest. But the result is the same. I’ll try another 4047 and find the BC547/BC557. The static is 20turns/50mm and the rotation is 25turns/40mm and what is the diameter of the wire ? Could you tell me how thick they are!

  14. Hi I am Santosh I impressed by this project I am studying E&CE So I want to do this project please provide me details how I can start

  15. Santosh Biradar

    Hi I am Santosh Biradar I am studying in E& ce I want to do this Propellar clock Projedct So please provide me fulll details How I can Start This

    • wow, that’ll take too long to explain in details. when i’ve first seen this clock, i’ve done alot of research . lot of trials and errors, hardware and coding. just tell me what’s your progress, and i’ll help you as much as i can do if you’ve had a probrlem 🙂

  16. Esteban Fonseca

    1. where is the battery connected?
    2. How does connect the battery, brushes? or what?
    3. How is connected the Isolated Power Supply/ Wireless Power Transmission?

    Please explain me detail

    • 1. no battery
      2. no brushes
      3. yes, it’s wireless, there’s a small circuit that resonate at certain frequency, that induce secondary coil at propeller board.

  17. Kevin

    Hi, qhat is generated by AC1301UA? I’m using a falling edge sensor (H21A2)to generate interruption but it doesn’t work

    • the MCU INT0 detecting falling edge as far as i remember. look at the code.

  18. Kevin

    also, how can i use it without the remote control?

    • you can hardcode it into the program

      Hrs = 2;
      Min = 40;
      Sec = 10;
      ClockStyle = ANALOG; // or DIGITAL

  19. Kevin

    thanks leenoux, that’s what i was thinking

    i’m simulating the hall effect captor with a square signal at 50Hz that i put into pin 11, i only have one Led always lighting

    Are you using an Atmega1284P?

    • i was using atmega16, might be different with the initialization. please check the atmega manual how to set the ports (INT, INPUT/OUTPUT).

  20. Kevin

    I already verified, all the ports are the same as on the schematic.I’m using the same as yours, just instead of the captor, i simulate it by a square signal at 50Hz for tests, i don’t understand why it doesn’t work

    • have you tested it with simple program, turn on/off all of your LEDs?if it’s ok, then there’s something wrong with INT port, or at least with initialization. did you enable your INT/GICR?

      MCUCR |= ((1<<ISC11)|(1<<ISC01)); // Int0 Int1 generate int on falling eadge
      GICR |= ((1 << INT0) | (1 << INT1)); // Int0 and Int1 enable

      and don't forget to set your PORT which are connected to LEDs as OUTPUT and INT port as INPUT.
      DDRA = 0xFF;
      PORTA = 0x00;

      DDRC = 0xFF;
      PORTC = 0x01;

      DDRD = 0x00;
      PORTD = 0x0C;

      cheers 🙂

  21. Sam

    where have you put the magnet for hall effect sensor to work upon??

    • in project i put the magnet at 12 o’clock position. the hall effect is on the edge of pcb. the magnet is under hall effect.

  22. Sam

    in the PCB,i saw one unknown component adjacent to rest switch of light blue color,so would you please tell me what’s that?

  23. Sam

    i saw one component light blue in color adjacent to reset switch in the PCB,would you help me to figure it out what is that?

  24. Sam

    i saw one component,blue in color adjacent to reset switch in PCB,would you please help me to figure it out what it is?

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