You can built your own weather station using Argent ADS-WS1 or any other devices that capable submiting to aprs-is or cwop network, but it was too expensive for me.
i began my research how to craft APRS WX packet using python and bash script on direwolf. that
was not easy for newbie amateur like me, LOL. Luckily i’ve found aprs-weather-submit created by KC1HBK.
it makes my research easier.
first of all, we need some hardwares Raspi Zero, BME280 sensorand some jumper wires.
Conect all wires from pi zero to bme280 using i2c pin. you can find pinout configuration here:
or type pinout in ssh shell
don’t forget to activate i2c pin, go ssh shell. issue command sudo raspi-config and go to interface options to activate i2c


- BME280 VIN pin connects to GPIO pin 1 (3.3V)
- BME280 GND pin connects to GPIO pin 6 (GND)
- BME280 SCL pin connects to GPIO pin 5 (SCL)
- BME280 SDA pin connects to GPIO pin 3 (SDA)
i’m using python and bme280 library from
there’s some example script there, i silghtly modify the script to obtain bme280 values
building aprs-weather-submit.
git clone
cd aprs-weather-submit
follow the instructions at build scripts section here:
./ ./configure [--disable-aprs-is] [--enable-debug] make sudo make install
when i first compiled, i got this error:

modify main.c
vi src/main.c
at line 588
i changed this line from:
(note at %lu)
fprintf(stderr, “Your comment was %lu characters long, but APRS allows %u characters. Your comment was truncated.\n”, strlen(optarg), MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH);
i changed it to %ul
than it compiled propperly.
here is my script to generate wx format:
#!/bin/bash STR=$(/home/pi/ Temp=$(echo $STR | cut -f 1 -d" ") Hum=$(echo $STR | cut -f 3 -d" ") Bar=$(echo $STR | cut -f 2 -d" ") Alt=$(echo $STR | cut -f 4 -d" ") #aprs-weather-submit -k YD0BCX-13 -n -06.714692S -e 106.728514 -t $Temp -A $Alt -h $Hum -b $Bar -V 9 STR2=$(aprs-weather-submit -k YD0BCX-13 -n -6.198611 -e 106.87000E -T $Temp -h $Hum -b $Bar -M " WX on Pi Zero + BME280 + DW 1.7") echo "${STR2:22}" #echo "$Temp $Hum $Bar $Alt"
chmod 755
#!/usr/bin/env python #Import modules for time and to access sensor import time from smbus import SMBus from bme280 import BME280 #Initialise the BME280 bus = SMBus(1) bme280 = BME280(i2c_dev=bus) #Get data and discard to avoid garbage first reading temperature = bme280.get_temperature() pressure = bme280.get_pressure() humidity = bme280.get_humidity() altitude = bme280.get_altitude() time.sleep(1) #while True: temperature = bme280.get_temperature() pressure = bme280.get_pressure() humidity = bme280.get_humidity() altitude = bme280.get_altitude() if ( temperature and pressure and humidity and altitude ): print('{:05.2f} {:05.2f} {:05.2f}'.format(temperature, pressure, humidity), round(altitude), end="") time.sleep(1)
in, there’s command part
echo “${STR2:22}”
this command will remove leading 22 characters(based on my lat long value)
in this case when i’m executing aprs-weather-submit -k YD0BCX-13 -n -6.198611 -e 106.87000E
the result will be:
we need to remove “YD0BCX-13>APRS,TCPIP:” part, that’s what “echo “${STR2:22}”” is for.
if it’s not removed direwolf will also submit those part and make it position beacon failed to aprs-is(YD0BCX-13>APRS,TCPIP*: submit 2 times)
direwolf configuration:
ADEVICE plughw:1,0 #ACHANNELS 1 #CHANNEL 0 MYCALL YOURCALLSIGN MODEM 1200 IGSERVER IGLOGIN YOURCALLSIGN passcode CBEACON sendto=IG delay=1 every=05:00 infocmd="echo '>WX Station' $(date)" CBEACON sendto=IG delay=01:10 every=10:00 infocmd=" YD0BCX-13 Temperature Pressure Humidity Altitude" CBEACON sendto=IG delay=01:11 every=10:00 infocmd=&" YD0BCX-13 deg.C hPa % masl" CBEACON sendto=IG delay=01:11 every=10:00 infocmd=" YD0BCX-13 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0" CBEACON sendto=IG delay=01:15 every=10:00 infocmd=" /home/pi/" CBEACON sendto=IG delay=1 every=05:00 infocmd="/home/pi/" IBEACON sendto=IG delay=30 every=30 via=WIDE1-1 LOGDIR /var/log/direwolf PTT GPIO 21
note on direwolf configuration, i also submiting telemetries data, you can ommit it if you want.
i think that’s it. i’m not good at talking or writing.
if there’s something to ask just drop me a message 😀

Hello, thanks for sharing your projects.
When I run I get a error:
File “/home/pi/./”, line 2
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Not sure what to do now.
try change
note (` = backtick`)
and don’t forget make executable
Hello Hari, thanks for your reply, I tried what you suggested and I get the same error.
I am using the latest Raspberry Pi image, not sure what to do now
hmm, that’s strange. i reproduce the python and script it still work.
the script
make sure script output the right result when executed.
can you post the script you’ve made. maybe i can recheck.
Hari, thanks for your help, I have the script working perfectly now. I re-imaged a SD card with new Pi os and started from scratch and it all worked ok. I must have done something before with my Pi and it may have corrupted some files.
Thanks again
you’re very welcome joe, i’m glad finally it works for you.
it could be sdcard or os, could be my typo writing, could be yours too.
i always update my writing. based on reader’s feedback.
thanks for the comments 🙂
73, YD0BCX
Hello Hari,
how are you doing?
A HNY 2023 to you and your family.
your schematic seems very interesting but I have to questions:
1) could it be compiled/used in another Raspberry PI;
2) could it be possible to use an Ethernet device instead WIFI ????
I am looking forward to reading from you.
Best 73.
David Quental
happy new year to you too.
i will try to answer your questions
1. sure every os with linux based can compile as long as dependecies/libraries was installed.
2 yes, any connection would be suffice as long as they have route to internet available.
YD0BCX hari
Hello Hari,
tks a lot for your answer.
Best 73.
David Quental