Biasanya From: header akan di isi oleh nilai dari settingan client masing2 user.
contoh: di thunderbird From: header akan di isi settingan dari Your Name:.
untuk email2 official From header bisa di paksakan supaya menggunakan nama user yg ada di database postfix user.
dengan bantuan altermime dan sedikit coding(c dan bash script).
altermime dapat di download disini:
Coding c (access mysql db):
fungsinya untuk query field “name” (nama lengkap email user) di database postfix
paste code ini di console editor.(vi atau pico)
#include #include #include #include main(int argc,char *argv[]) { MYSQL *conn; MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; char *server = "localhost"; char *user = "user"; char *password = "password"; char *database = "db"; char strsql[512]; if(argc != 2) { printf("Usage: %s ’string query’\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } snprintf(strsql, 512, "SELECT REPLACE(TRIM(name),’\n’,”) FROM mailbox WHERE username=TRIM(’%s’)", argv[1]); conn = mysql_init(NULL); /* Connect to database */ if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, server, user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(conn)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* send SQL query */ if (mysql_query(conn, strsql)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(conn)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } res = mysql_use_result(conn); while ( (row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL ) printf("%s\n", row[0]); return(0); /* Release memory used to store results and close connection */ mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); }
compile source code c yg kita buat
# gcc -I/usr/include/mysql -L/usr/lib64/mysql -lmysqlclient -L/usr/lib64 getname.c -o getname
-L dan -I path sesuaikan di path environtment mysql include dan libs masing2 system.
# strip getname
untuk membuang symbol symbol dari object file(supaya ukuran binary sizenya jadi lebih kecil)
# mv getname /etc/postfix/
# ./getname hari.h -at- Hari Hendaryanto
dari program yg di jalankan berhasil meng query nama lengkap dari email hari.h -at-
note: sebenarnya bisa di query langsung dari command line/bash script yg akan di buat di bawah, tapi saya senang coba2
create directory dan user untuk filter yg akan kita buat
# adduser filter # mkdir -p /var/spool/filter # chown -R filter:filter /var/spool/filter/
selanjutnya buat bash script seperti ini
#!/bin/sh # Localize these. INSPECT_DIR=/var/spool/filter SENDMAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix # Exit codes from EX_TEMPFAIL=75 EX_UNAVAILABLE=69 # Clean up when done or when aborting. trap "rm -f in.$$" 0 1 2 3 15 # Start processing. cd $INSPECT_DIR || { echo $INSPECT_DIR does not exist; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; } name="`/etc/postfix/getname $2 | sed -e ’s/^[ \t\n\r\f\v]//g’ | sed -e ’s/[ \t\n\r\f\v]$//g’`" email="`echo $2 | sed -e ’s/^[ \t\n\r\f\v]//g’ | sed -e ’s/[ \t\n\r\f\v]$//g’`" fheader="$name <$email>" cat >in.$$ || { echo Cannot save mail to file; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; } /usr/bin/altermime –input=in.$$ \ –verbose \ –log-syslog \ –altersigned \ –alter-header="From: " \ –alter-with="$fheader" \ –alter-mode=replace || \ { echo Message content rejected; exit $EX_UNAVAILABLE; } $SENDMAIL "$@"
save as
# chmod 755 # mv /etc/postfix/
konfigur postfix.
create chgname transport di
chgname unix - n n - - pipe flags=Rq user=filter argv=/etc/postfix/ -f ${sender} — ${recipient}
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination
create file /etc/postfix/sender_access FILTER chgname:
# postmap sender_access
pastikan semua urutan2 yg telah kita buat.
# postfix reload
include sections:
#include <mysql.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
i found attached xls file lost . but it works well when i change the attached file name.
old name: `chinese.xls` (used chinese as filename)
new name: 1.xls
can u fix it ? thanks.
well, it supposed not to strip anything from email body AFAIK.altermime only altering header. maybe you have another content filter stripping the attachment.