Linux Anecdotes
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Linux Anecdotes
A look at the history of Linux, as seen by a long time Linux user. The talk is a series of anecdotes, shy of technical details, and sprinkled with personal memories.
27 April 1998
This talk was given at the 1998 Linux Expo.
Who I am and why I am here
I seem to have acquired a little bit of reputation in the Linux community, despite my efforts in to stay quiet and invisible, so that I don't get so many questions from people having trouble with Linux.
Part of my reputation is that I know Linux pretty well. That part is based on the time when I and Linus Torvalds—I assume you know Linus—shared an office at the University of Helsinki. In reality, I don't know Linux all that well. For example, my one stab at kernel programming resulted in a bug that took three years to track down and fix, and even then it was done by someone hacking OS/2. I'm referring to the sprintf function inside the kernel.
Why Hack Mode Is Better Than Sex
Vacations and weekends
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Boss, what's vacation?
"Boss, can I ask you something?"
"Everyone's always talking about vacations and free time and things like that. How come I never have any?"
"You wouldn't like it."
"But they think it's better than work. They really look forward to it."
"Remember last year, when the office was shut down for a week."
"When they replaced all windows? Sure I remember. I couldn't play with a computer for a week. Horrible."
"Vacations are like that."
"So you wouldn't like them."
"But everyone else does."
"Ah, but that's because they're lusers, not hackers."
"Now go back and write that compiler. We need it last week."
Important programming truths
quoted from
Originally written in 1995.
This page contains a number of important programming truths that every budding programmer should know about. These truths are self-evident, and need no explanations.
If it compiles, it works.
If it compiles, it’s correct.
If it runs, it doesn’t have any bugs.
If it doesn’t have any immediately obvious bugs, it’s perfect.
If a bug doesn’t show, it doesn’t exist.
If it seems to work, it works.
Doing something right is easy. Avoiding errors only takes a bit of concentration.
The shorter the source code, the faster the program.
It’s obvious how to optimize a program.
Prorammers don’t make mistakes.
Mengapa Kita perlu merokok !!!
1. Perokok pasif lebih berbahaya daripada perokok aktif, maka untuk mengurangi resiko
tersebut aktiflah merokok.
2. Menghindarkan dari perbuatan jahat karena tidak pernah ditemui orang yang membunuh,
mencuri dan berkelahi sambil merokok.
3. Mengurangi resiko kematian: Dalam berita tidak pernah ditemui orang yang meninggal
dalam posisi merokok.
4. Berbuat amal kebaikan: Kalau ada orang yang mau pinjam korek api paling tidak sudah siap
/ tidak mengecewakan orang yang ingin meminjam.
5. Baik untuk basa-basi / keakraban: Kalau ketemu orang misalnya di Halte CJDW kita bisa
tawarkan rokok. Kalau basa-basinya tawarkan uang kan nggak lucu.