Upgrading Bind9 on centos 4.7

I’ve just upgrading one of my dns server recently. Orginaly centos 4.7 using bind-9.2.4-30.el4_7.2. Although this version not affected by cache poisoning vulnerability. as Dan Kaminsky  announced a massive, multi-vendor issue with DNS that could allow attackers to compromise any name server. Here’s how to upgrade bind-9.2.4 to bind-9.5.0.

Download the SOURCE rpms

# wget http://patrick.vande-walle.eu/upload/bind-9.5.0-33.P1.src.rpm

Compile/Build source RPM

# rpm -Ivh bind-9.5.0-33.P1.src.rpm
# cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/
# vi bind.spec

find this lines

# configuration files:
tar -C ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} -xf %{SOURCE28}

change it to

tar -C ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} -xjf %{SOURCE28}

Source28 is tar.bz2 file so we need tar -xjf options

Postfix IPv6 + RBL + BIND9 as DNSBL

Here we go again :) for using ipv6 dnsbl, we need postfix version => 2.6 as the author of postfix state in postfix-users list. This site is a good reference on how to build postfix RPM under redhat based system http://postfix.wl0.org/en/ How ipv6 dnsbl keep AAAA record in their zone?…