Defining delegated route /48 from Hurricane Electric in Appropriate way.

I’ve been thinking on how to create reverse zone for /64 subnet from delegated routed /48 from Hurricane Electric. First when i was first time request delegation for routed /48 i’ve defined this configuration on my nameservers

In named.conf

zone "" {
type master;
file "reverse-2001-470-f8e7_48.IP6.ARPA";

Sending HTML mail via sendmail cli

Here’s how to do it

# ( cat <<HEADERS; cat /root/file.html) | sendmail -oi -t
From: sender@domain.tld
To: recipients@domain.tld
Subject: we send HTML instead of plain text
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/html
Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit

HEADERS <- type CTRL+D then press ENTER

We should set Mime-Version , Content-Transfer-Encoding and Content-Type headers properly. The issue of correct MIME transfer encoding is one of the many possible complexities which is simply ignored here.

Upgrading Bind9 on centos 4.7

I’ve just upgrading one of my dns server recently. Orginaly centos 4.7 using bind-9.2.4-30.el4_7.2. Although this version not affected by cache poisoning vulnerability. as Dan Kaminsky  announced a massive, multi-vendor issue with DNS that could allow attackers to compromise any name server. Here’s how to upgrade bind-9.2.4 to bind-9.5.0.

Download the SOURCE rpms

# wget

Compile/Build source RPM

# rpm -Ivh bind-9.5.0-33.P1.src.rpm
# cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/
# vi bind.spec

find this lines

# configuration files:
tar -C ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} -xf %{SOURCE28}

change it to

tar -C ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} -xjf %{SOURCE28}

Source28 is tar.bz2 file so we need tar -xjf options

Postfix + Centos + Policyd V2 + MySQL


Requirements for Policyd v2

  • MySQL
  • Net::Server >= 0.96
  • Net::CIDR
  • Config::IniFiles (Debian based: libconfig-inifiles-perl, RPM based: perl-Config-IniFiles)
  • Cache::FastMmap (Debian based: libcache-fastmmap-perl, RPM based: perl-Cache-FastMmap)
  • Mail::SPF (Required for SPF)

Requirements for webui

  • PHP v5+

Download policyd v2

# wget

Build rpm from source tarball

# rpmbuild -ta cluebringer-2.0.7.tar.bz2

Postfix + DNSWL

Sometimes we need to do manual whitelisting for mail users whose customers' admins don't respond to your complaints about their server settings. Another option to consider ist automatic whitelisting by using the hand-crafted DNSWL ( ). We should also consider requesting to get added to DNSWL. [bash] #!/bin/sh…

Postfix stress test

Source: The Book of Postfix by Ralf Hildebrandt and Patrick Koetter.

In order to measure how much traffic our postfix  can handle, we need to perform some kind of stress testing. To put an adequate load on the server, We need a fast mail traffic generator. Postfix comes with two  programs named smtp-source and smtp-sink for this purpose. Here’s how they work:


This program connects to a host on a TCP port (port 25 by default) and sends one or more messages, either sequentially or in parallel. The program speaks both SMTP (default) or LMTP and is meant to aid in measuring server performance.


This test server listens on the named host (or address) and port. It recieves messages from the network and throws them away. You can measure client and network performance with this program.

The following example injects 100 total messages of size 5k each in 20 parallel sessions to a Postfix server running on localhost port 25. Because you’re also interested in how much time this takes, use the time command:

Sujud Tilawah / Sujud Sajdah

Sujud Tilawah atau Sujud Sajdah ialah sujud yang disunatkan apabila membaca atau mendengar bacaan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran. Sujud ini disunatkan apabila yang membaca itu sujud apabila sampai ke suatu tempat yang ditentukan. Begitu juga si pendengar juga sunat sujud apabila ia mendapati si pembaca itu sujud. Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W :…

Apache stress test

Apache includes a very useful tool for hammering the server. It’s called Apache Benchmark “ab” is the binary’s name and it can really hand a server it’s own ass if you don’t watch it. [bash] $ ab -kc 10 -t 30 http://localhost/ [/bash] That will open 10 connections, use Keep-Alive…

Postfix Debugger

This how to activate postfix debugger on my centos 5.2 in [text] debugger_command = PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin; (strace -p $process_id 2>&1 | logger -p & sleep 5 [/text] in [text] smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -D [/text] [bash] # postfix reload [/bash]