Create GeoIP Badge Using PHP Image Processing And GD

When making the badges I always use javascript. This tutorial shows you how to use the GD library to dynamically create simple badges on your site.

Basically, image generation is done in three steps:

  • allocating an image
  • drawing into the allocated space
  • releasing the allocated data in picture format to the browser


As usual, obtaining client Ip Address simply by calling this php predefined variable, this time we will also trying to support for IPv6. One drawback, i still don’t know how to resize canvas to be fit with text if overflown, dynamically. Ie: the long IPv6 address.

<?php echo $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; ?>

Show GeoIP Badge On Your Website Using PHP And JavaScript

Remember my last article about how to show visitor’s ip address on our website? today, we will modify the script a little bit to do something more interesting, not only displaying visitor’s ip address but also displaying visitor’s country and flag. Unfortunately this script unable displaying the flag and country for ipv6 yet. The badge will look something like this.
First thing we have to do is create badge generator, which we will use later. let’s call it geo.php

if ( isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ) {

$cc = geoip_country_code_by_name($IpAddr);
$country = geoip_country_name_by_name($IpAddr);


if (typeof(v_geo_BackColor)=="undefined")
	v_geo_BackColor = "white";
if (typeof(v_geo_ForeColor)=="undefined")
	v_geo_ForeColor= "black";
if (typeof(v_geo_FontPix)=="undefined")
	v_geo_FontPix = "16";
if (typeof(v_geo_DisplayFormat)=="undefined")
	v_geo_DisplayFormat = "You are visiting from:<br>IP Address: %%IP%%%%FLAG%% %%COUNTRY%%";
if (typeof(v_geo_DisplayOnPage)=="undefined" || v_geo_DisplayOnPage.toString().toLowerCase()!="no")
	v_geo_DisplayOnPage = "yes";

v_geo_HostIP = "<?php echo $IpAddr; ?>";
v_geo_Country = "<?php echo $country; ?>";

if ( $cc != FALSE ) { ?>
        v_geo_Flag = "<br><img src='<?php echo strtolower($cc); ?>.png' />";
} else { ?>
        v_geo_Flag = "";

if (v_geo_DisplayOnPage=="yes") {
	v_geo_DisplayFormat = v_geo_DisplayFormat.replace(/%%IP%%/g, v_geo_HostIP);
	v_geo_DisplayFormat = v_geo_DisplayFormat.replace(/%%FLAG%%/g, v_geo_Flag);
	v_geo_DisplayFormat = v_geo_DisplayFormat.replace(/%%COUNTRY%%/g, v_geo_Country);
	document.write("<table border='0' style='padding: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -khtml-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; background-color:" + v_geo_BackColor + "; color:" + v_geo_ForeColor + "; font-size:" + v_geo_FontPix + "px'><tr><td>" + v_geo_DisplayFormat + "</td></tr></table>");

Postfix, One Way Maildir Replication / Backup Using Inotify And Rsync

After I wrote about Maildir replication, using ChironFS and DRBD, this time I will write how to make maildir replication, using a very well known program utility called rsync. basically, rsync itself, does not do realtime replication process. rsync only perform the synchronization/copy process when needed or scheduled by using the crontab. like cp, rsync is used to copy files from one directory to another directory in one system, or to a directory on another system. and vice versa.

How do we make the process of replication/copy that is almost realtime by using rsync?

we will use the inotify-tools (inotifywait) to monitor changes to system files or directories, in this case is the postfix maildir. Inotify has been included in the mainline Linux kernel from release 2.6.13 (June 18, 2005), and could be compiled into 2.6.12 and possibly earlier releases by use of a patch.

What is inotify?

Inotify is a Linux kernel subsystem that acts to extend filesystems to notice changes to the filesystem, and report those changes to applications. It replaces an earlier facility, dnotify, which had similar goals.

OK, without further ado, let’s continue with the first step, install inotify-tools. on my centos machine, it can be done in the following way.

$ sudo yum -y install inotify-tools

Assume that we have two servers, first server contains a postfix + maildir. second servers is used to backup maildir from the first server. using inotifywait, any changes in the maildir on first server will trigger rsync to update the maildir on the backup server. However, first we will make rsync can do the login automatically to the backup server via ssh using Public Key Based Authentication.

On First server

[first_server] $ ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ~/.ssh/identity && cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh -l postfix second_server -p 12345 'sh -c "cat - >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"'

postfix-2.8.4-RC1 SRC RPM

postfix-2.8.4-RC1 HISTORY 20110420 Performance: a high load of DSN success notification requests could slow down the queue manager. Solution: make the trace client asynchronous, just like the bounce and defer clients. Problem reported by Eduardo M. Stelmaszczyk of Files: global/abounce.[hc], *qmgr/qmgr_active.c (the qmgr_active.c files are identical). 20110418 Bugfix (introduced…

postfix-2.9.20110615 SRC RPM

postfix-2.9.20110615 HISTORY 20110614 Linux kernel version 3 support. Linus Torvalds has reset the counters for reasons not related to changes in code.  Files: makedefs, util/sys_defs.h. 20110615 Workaround: some Spamhaus RHSBL rejects lookups with "No IP queries" even if the name has an alphanumerical prefix. We play safe, and skip both…

Postfix, Realtime Maildir Replication Using Dual-primary DRBD with OCFS2

As I’ve been written on my previous post about Maildir Replication using ChironFS in postfix, I will explain step by step it can also be done by using drbd and ocfs2.

Compiling & Installing

note: if your Linux distribution is shipped with a kernel older than 2.6.33 you have to install a kernel module package and packages for the user land code. If your distribution contains a Linux-2.6.33 kernel or newer you only need to install the user land code.

In my case i have my linux distribution older than 2.6.33, so i will also compile drbd kernel module.
Download drbd source and create Binary RPMS packages

$ wget
$ tar xvzf drbd-8.3.10.tar.gz
$ cd drbd-8.3.10
$ ./configure --enable-spec --with-km
$ cp ../drbd*.tar.gz `rpm -E %_sourcedir`
$ rpmbuild -bb drbd.spec
$ rpmbuild -bb drbd-km.spec
$ sudo rpm -ivh /path/to/RPMS/drbd-*

I’ll be using loop files for this setup since I don’t have access to raw partitions.

but if you have raw block device available you can subtitute this part:

resource r0 { meta-disk internal; device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/loop0;


resource r0 {
	meta-disk internal;
	device /dev/drbd0;
	disk /dev/sdxx;

sdxx can be sda1, sdb1 sdb2 or what ever your raw disk device called

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/drbd-postfix.img bs=1M count=5000
# losetup /dev/loop0 /drbd-postfix.img

Place this DRBD resource file in /etc/drbd.d/r0.res. Be sure to adjust the server names and IP addresses for your servers.

resource r0 {
	meta-disk internal;
	device /dev/drbd0;
	disk /dev/loop0;

	syncer { rate 1000M; }
        net {
                after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes;
                after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;
                after-sb-2pri disconnect;
	startup { become-primary-on both; }

	on postfix1 { address; }
	on postfix2 { address; }

Create Your Own Visitor’s IP Address Badge Using PHP And JavaScript

A web badge is a small image or text used on websites to promote web standards, products used in the creation of a web page or product, to indicate a specific content license that is applied to the content or design of a website, to comply with an application’s terms of service, to encourage your visitors to check your social network status, or even to display visitor’s informations. such as ip address, user agent, hostname etc.

Today’s story, we’ll make a badge for visitor’s ip address using php and javascript. This badge, for an example:

create a php script called ipaddr.php as follows

if ( isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) )    {
	$ip=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . ' ';
} else if ( isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) )    {
} else if ( isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]) )    {
	$ip=$_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"] . ' ';
$IpAddr = $ip;

if (typeof(v_ip_BackColor)=="undefined")
  v_ip_BackColor = "white";
if (typeof(v_ip_ForeColor)=="undefined")
  v_ip_ForeColor= "black";
if (typeof(v_ip_FontPix)=="undefined")
  v_ip_FontPix = "16";
if (typeof(v_ip_DisplayFormat)=="undefined")
  v_ip_DisplayFormat = "You are visiting from:<br>IP Address: %%IP%%";
if (typeof(v_ip_DisplayOnPage)=="undefined" || v_ip_DisplayOnPage.toString().toLowerCase()!="no")
  v_ip_DisplayOnPage = "yes";

v_ip_HostIP = "<?php echo $IpAddr ?>";

if (v_ip_DisplayOnPage=="yes") {
  v_ip_DisplayFormat = v_ip_DisplayFormat.replace(/%%IP%%/g, v_ip_HostIP);
  document.write("<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' style='background-color:" + v_ip_BackColor + "; color:" + v_ip_ForeColor + "; font-size:" + v_ip_FontPix + "px'><tr><td>" + v_ip_DisplayFormat + "</td></tr></table>");

Postfix, Maildir Replication In Real Time Using ChironFS

In this tutorial I will describe how to set up postfix and maildir which can automatically replicate email when email is delivered. We will not touch the postfix configuration at all. we will manipulate maildir directory behavior using ChironFS, instead.

what is ChironFS?

This the Chiron Filesystem. It is a Fuse based filesystem. It’s main purpose is to guarantee filesystem availability using replication. But it isn’t a RAID implementation. RAID replicates DEVICES not FILESYSTEMS.

Things we need before installing chironfs

  • fuse
  • fuse-devel
  • fuse-libs
  • ChironFS source/binary from here

Compile ChironFS source


$ rpmbuild --rebuild chironfs-1.0.0-1.fc8.src.rpm
$ rpm -ivh /path/to/chironfs-1.0.0-1.fc12.rpm

Memcached Replication On Server Clusters

When I was looking for ways to replicate the contents of memcached for high-availability performance, I found this memcached-repcached application. that has the ability to replicate the contents of one memcached to another.

Repcached key features

  • Multi master replication.
  • Asynchronous data repliacation.
  • Support all memcached command (set, add, delete, incr/decr, flush_all, cas)

People probably already know about memcached . It’s a robust, high performance key-value based memory object cache interface. but unfortunately, lack the ability to create redundancy and replication in memcached server clusters. although replication could be done at the application level. However, it all depends on each individual’s taste.

This is a quick and dirty experiment I have tried using memcached-repcached application on 2 servers.

Download memcached-repcached from
Or you can download source rpm version from here

On the first server and second server extract memcached-1.2.8-repcached-2.2.tar.gz, compile with –enable-replication option when configure.

$ tar xvzf memcached-1.2.8-repcached-2.2.tar.gz
$ cd memcached-1.2.8-repcached-2.2
$ ./configure --enable-replication
$ make

Monitoring And Debugging Memcached Server Using phpMemCachedAdmin

I have found a very cool program for monitoring and debugging Memcached server, it’s called  phpMemcachedAdmin. This program allows to see in real-time (top-like) or from the start of the server, stats for get, set, delete, increment, decrement, evictions, reclaimed, cas command, as well as server stats (network, items, server version) with googlecharts and server internal configuration You can go further to see each server slabs, occupation, memory wasted and items (key & value).

Another part can execute commands to any memcached server : get, set, delete, flush_all, as well as execute any commands (like stats) with telnet To extract these informations, phpMemCacheAdmin uses, as you wish, direct communication with server, PECL Memcache or PECL Memcached API.

Explanation above is an excerpt from the website. This is a simple guide how do I install phpMemCachedAdmin.

Download phpMemCachedAdmin tarball

# wget

Since we will install in /var/www/html/memcached/ directory, run this command:

# mkdir -p /var/www/html/memcached
# tar -xvzf phpMemcachedAdmin-1.2.1-r233.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/memcached/
# chmod 0777 /var/www/html/memcached/Config/Memcache.php

Apache Configuration

( i’m using apache as reverse proxy backend )

# cd /etc/httpd/conf.d
# vi memcached.conf