Compiling direwolf on openwrt

just short tutorial, no need to write too much, let's go!! first download openwrt sdk reffering to openwrt firmware/version you want direwolf to build. ie: i'm using NanoPI R2S so i downloaded openwrt-sdk-22.03.3-rockchip-armv8_gcc-11.2.0_musl.Linux-x86_64.xz that's it you have direwolf installer for openwrt now!! is that simple. no, i'm kidding. few more…

CentOS 7, how to install xtables-addons

Here is how you can compile and install xtables-addons on CentOS 7.first, Install Dependencies: download xtables-addons extract, compile and install done! and now for example we want to use geoip module, first of all install geoip database for xtables-addons.still from xtables-addons-2.10 directory. if you want only allow ssh connection from…

Memcached In A shell Using nc And echo

Some example accessing memcached from a shell using nc and echo

Storage Commands

command [key] [flags] [exptime] [bytes] [noreply]\r\n[value]\r

Parameters :

[key]			: the key of the data stored
[flags]			: 32-bit unsigned integer that the server store with the data (provided by the user), and return along the data when the item is retrieved
[exptime]		: expiration time in seconds, 0 mean no delay, if exptime is superior to 30 day, Memcached will use it as a UNIX timestamps for expiration
[bytes]			: number of bytes in the data block
[cas unique]		: unique 64-bit value of an existing entry (retrieved with gets command) to use with cas command
[noreply]		: optional parameter that inform the server to not send the reply

How To Make php-fpm Listen On Both Tcp And Unix Socket?

I need to make php-fpm listeing on both tcp/unix socket, and this is how it done.
(this was not pretty workarround i guess, but it work 😀 )
first  download php rpm source

$ wget

Compile and install

$ rpmbuild --rebuild php-5.3.3-2.el5.src.rpm
$ sudo rpm -Uvh /path/to/RPMS/php-*

Configuring the default php-fpm for using tcp socket
Edit www.conf

$ sudo vi /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf

Find line containing

listen =

We can make it listening to port what ever we desire, ie 9001 etc
Start php-fpm first instance

$ sudo service php-fpm start

Configuring php-fpm for using unix socket

$ sudo cp /etc/php-fpm.conf /etc/php-fpm2.conf
$ sudo cp -rp /etc/php-fpm.d /etc/php-fpm2.d

Edit /etc/php-fpm2.conf

pid = /var/run/php-fpm/
error_log = /var/log/php-fpm/error2.log

Edit /etc/php-fpm2.d/www.conf

listen = /tmp/php-fpm.sock
php_admin_value[error_log] = /var/log/php-fpm/www-error2.log

Disabling IPv6 for Linux distributions

source: Details In many Linux distributions if IPv6 is enabled, VMware Tools cannot be configured with after installation. In this case, VMware Tools is unable to set the network device correctly for the virtual machine, and displays a message similar to the following: [text] Unloading pcnet32 module unregister_netdevice: waiting…