During my exploration of optimzing website using memcached, i’ve found this tutorial. It’s quite interesting using key value application (memcached) for serving website’s static content, Such as image, jss or js file. As we know, Reading/writing Hardrive is slower than accessing memory. although compared with SSD or 7,200 RPM hard drives. Even when an application is loaded, any files that are opened for use in that application are loaded into memory. As well as how web servers work.
First time following the tutorial, it isn’t work. image files not loaded into memcached, no warn, now error. after slightly modifying the script, image files can be stored into the memcached perfectly.
Here’s the php script after modification, i saved it as mem.php
I’ve seen lots of tutorials on internet explaining how set nginx to use memcached module. But, i’ve rarely seen them explaining, even the easiest one on how to populate memcached with data generated by php. When i’m getting in touch with memcached for the first time, i thought default configuration like this will be working out of the box. without touching php script.
Well, i was totally confused :D. so, to prevent other people misinterpret on how nginx memcached module works, i wrote simple examples, and simple explainations on how to configure nginx and populate data generated from php.
I’ve been messing around with memcached and php-pecl-memcache to cache sql query result. Many web sites & applications such as Facebook, LiveJournal, Flickr, Slashdot, WikiPedia/MediaWiki, SourceForge, Digg and Twitter use memcached to enhance their performance.
Memcached (Memory Cache Daemon) was developed by the team at LiveJournal to improve performance of their social blogging site by minimizing the impact of the bottleneck caused by reading data directly from the database. Memcached is a server that caches Name Value Pairs in memory. The “Name”, or key, is limited to 250 characters, and the “Value” is limited to 1MB in size. Values can consist of data, HTML Fragments, or binary objects; almost any type of data that can be serialized and fits in memcached can be stored.
here is simple example/demonstration how to cache regular sql query
memcached flow
First of all, we need memcached daemon run on system