Posted ink800i
Installing Self Signed smtp/imapd/pop3 Certificate on K800i Sony Ericsson
I own this beautiful K800i phonecell about 3 years more or less. The great things is K800i’s email client support for smtp authentication, imap, pop3, ssl, tls, port customization. I will show you how to plant my self signed smtp server certificate into K800i
First of all we need to copy the certificate to have a .cer extension. The phone uses this as the clue that the file is a certificate and will ask if it is to be installed.
Self signed cert for ougoing SMTP
# cd /etc/postfix # cp cacert.pem smtp.cer # more smtp.pem -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDvzCCAyigAwIBAgIJAK6WD/vgjFZcMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMIGcMQswCQYD VQQGEwJJRDEUMBIGA1UECBMLREtJIEpha2FydGExEDAOBgNVBAcTB0pha2FydGEx ---- snip ---- ---- snip ---- ---- snip ---- jUSsVnNPHYewsKdKRfzoivMqQgI+IIzw5NXiE78lpmAsZOdMfkR4U+dpTr87mCmE wcBi07++mqLhDvYvcGw4ol1Yp7sX4NgMbTrZ6APpaI8l4Rx4jb2p7UXU0YGx7aPV idZr -----END CERTIFICATE-----