Posted inmemcache
Memcached In A shell Using nc And echo
Some example accessing memcached from a shell using nc and echo
Storage Commands
set add get gets replace append prepend cas delete command [key] [flags] [exptime] [bytes] [noreply]\r\n[value]\r
Parameters :
[key] : the key of the data stored [flags] : 32-bit unsigned integer that the server store with the data (provided by the user), and return along the data when the item is retrieved [exptime] : expiration time in seconds, 0 mean no delay, if exptime is superior to 30 day, Memcached will use it as a UNIX timestamps for expiration [bytes] : number of bytes in the data block [cas unique] : unique 64-bit value of an existing entry (retrieved with gets command) to use with cas command [noreply] : optional parameter that inform the server to not send the reply